Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ghost Birds

I just received a copy of Stephen Lyn Bales' excellent book on the story of Jim Tanner's work with the ivory-billed woodpecker. Even better, this was a gift from my friend Mike Martin, who had the author and Nancy Tanner (whom I've also met) inscribe it for me at a book signing in Tennessee (thanks, Mike!). Mike has gotten to know Mrs. Tanner in recent years, and she has followed with considerable interest the ivorybill reports and searches in both Arkansas and Florida. It's been four years now since I was gearing up with Mike, Geoff Hill, and others for a months-long search on the Choctawhatchee, and I plan to get back down there some again this winter. I'm not ready to say I think the birds are still there, but I do want to continue looking.

Stephen has a blog relating specifically to the book here.

1 comment:

Stephen Lyn Bales said...

Hey there Mark.

Thanks for the kind mention. I enjoyed my lunch with Mike and Marion and, of course, Nancy.